Deconvolution by Quadratic Programming with
Application to Nested Simulation
- Binghamton University, Oct 23, 2018
- Pennsylvania State University, Nov 13, 2018
Bayesian Multivariate Functional Dynamic Linear Model
- Oct 7, 2016, Nonparametric Statistics Workshop, University of Michigan
- Apr 22, 2016, Measurement Error and Complex Data Workshop, Texas A&M University
- Apr 7, 2016, Joint University of Georgia/Clemson seminar (held at UGA)
- Apr 14, 2016, University at Buffalo
- Apr 22, 2016, "Measurement and Complex Data" workshop at Texas A&M University
- Jun 29, 2015, BIRS workshop: ``Frontiers in Functional Data Analysis'', Banff, Alberta
Multilevel Bayesian Framework for Modeling the Production, Propagation, and Detection of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Oct 7, 2015, Interdisciplinary Seminar in Quantitative Methods (ISQM), University of Michigan
Semiparametric Modeling with Splines: a Personal Perspective
- Sep 5, 2014, Department of Statistical Science, Cornell University (lecture for the Distinguished Alumni Award)
Fast Covariance Estimation for High-dimensional functional data
- Sep 7, 2015, Department of Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania
- Aug 7, 2014, JSM Invited Talk, Boston.
Sep 19, 2013, Department of Biostatistics, University of Rochester, Yakovlev Colloquium
Modeling Multiple Correlated Functional Outcomes with Spatially Heterogeneous Shape Characteristics
- Aug 8, 2013, JSM Invited Talk, Montreal.
Multilevel Bayesian Framework for Modeling the
Production, Propagation, and Detection of
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Oct 7, 2015, Interdisciplinary Seminar in Quantitative Methods (ISQM), University of Michigan
- May 3, 2013, ORFE, Princeton University
Uncertainty Analysis for Computationally
Expensive Models
- Mar 12, 2013, ENAR, JABES Editor Invited Talk
Uncertainty Analysis for Computationally
Expensive Models
- July 30, 2012, JSM Invited talk
Generalized Additive Functional Regression
- Mar 21, 2011, ENAR Invited Talk, Miami, Florida
- Dec 5, 2011, Colorado State University
Cosmic Rays and Bayesian Computations
- Dec 5, 2011, ISTeC (Information Science and Technology Center) Distinguished Lecture, Colorado State University
Guilt by Association: Finding Cosmic Ray Sources
- Oct 14, 2011, Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning, Carnegie-Mellon University (joint with Tom Loredo)
- May 20. 2011, Statistical Inverse Problems in the Biosciences Workshop, Texas A&M University
- Jun 14, 2011, Graybill Conference, Colorado State University
Penalized Splines, Mixed Models, and Recent Large-Sample Results
- May 7, 2008, Columbia University
- Jan 9, 2009, University of Florida
- June 30, 2009, University of Manitoba
- Feb 4, 2011, North Carolina State University
- Mar 25, 2011, Duke University
- Apr 15, 2011, University of Michigan
Statistics for Financial Engineering: Some Examples
- University of Massachusetts, Isenberg School of Management, Oct 2008.
Calibrating Environmental Engineering Models and Uncertainty Analysis
- Colorado State University, Sep 2008.
- University of Vermont, Oct 14, 2008.
Linear Statistical Models to Mixed Models to Semiparametric Regression
- University of Vermont, Burack Lecture, Oct 13, 2008.
Slides (2 on 1)
Statistics for Financial Engineering: Some R Examples
Apr 25, 2099, R in Finance Conference, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Stat and Finance Talk
Large Sample Theory of Penalized Splines
- February 12, 2007, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University
- April 17, 2007, ORIE, Cornell University
- May 10, 2007, Math, Binghamton University
- July 30, 2007, JSM 2007, Salt Lake City
Large Sample Theory of Penalized Splines
Calibrating Environmental Engineering Models
- Keynote Address at Harvard University Workshop on Environmental Statistics, November 4, 2006
- Santa Fe, Sep 2007
Calibrating Environmental Engineering Models
Penalized Splines and Financial Market Data
- Keynote Address at Conference on "Statistical Modeling in Finance," Fox School of Business, Temple University, March 24, 2006
Penalized Splines and Financial Market Data
Exploring the Information in P-values
- Nov 4, 2005, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts
Semiparametric Estimation of the Proportion of True Null Hypotheses
- Sept 21, 2005, Department of Statistical Science, Cornell Unversity
- Aug 16, 2005, Conference on
"Nonparametric Models for Complex Biological Data," University of California, Davis
Semiparametric Estimation of the Proportion of True Null Hypotheses
Measurement Error in Health Studies (six lecture short course)
- November 28-30, 2005, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
March 4-6, 2005, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard
Semiparametric Regression (one-day short course)
August 9, 2005, JSM, Minneapolis (with C. Crainiceanu)
March 28, 2004, ENAR Meeting, Pittsburgh (with Matt Wand)
Estimating Term
Structure with Penalized
- January 27, 2004,
OR&IE, Cornell University
- January 2004, OR&FE, Princeton University
Overheads (4 slide/page)
Overheads (1 slide/page)
Semiparametric Modeling, Penalized Splines, and Mixed Models
- April 23, 2003, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University.
- September 24, 2003, Department of Statistical Science, Cornell University.
- January 20, 2004, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO
- January 21, 2004, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University.
Overheads (4 slides/page)
Overheads (1 slide/page)
Nonparametric Random Effects Models And
Likelihood Ratio Tests
- Frontiers of Statistical Research:
A Celebration of the 40th Anniversary
of the Department of Statistics at TAMU,
Oct 11, 2002
Conference on "Emerging Issues in Longitudinal Data Analysis,"
South Hadley, MA, July 28, 2002
Overheads (pdf)
Measurement Errors in Nonlinear Models (one-day short course)
- August 1998, JSM (with Ray Carroll and Lenny Stefanski)
June 16-18, 1999:
Annual Summer Institute
of Applied Statistics,
(with Ray Carroll)
Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University
March, 2000: ENAR Meeting at Chicago (with Ray Carroll) overheads (.ps)
Sept 2000: Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD
December 13, 2001: 57th Annual Deming Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Nonparametric regression with measurement error: Some recent
June 2002, Cleveland, Workshop on Developments and Challenges in Mixture Models,
Bump Hunting and Measurement Error Models
Sept, 2001, Statistics, Penn State
April, 2000, Biostatistics, Harvard
April, 2000, Dept of Statistical Sciences, Cornell
Sept, 2000, Merck, Blue Bell, PA
Overheads (postscript)
Overheads (pdf)
Overheads - new version, June 2002 (pdf)
Splines, Generalized Linear Mixed Models, and Stochastic
April 22, 2000 - Michigan State University (conference in honor
of my thesis advisor, Professor Vaclav Fabian)
This is a shortened version of the following talk,
Random-Effects Spline Models
Random-Effects Spline Models
April, 1999: BUDS (Biometrics Unit Discussion Series), Cornell
June, 1999:
NSF/CBMS Regional Conference on Generalized Linear
Mixed Models and Related Topics , University of Florida
- June, 1999, Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University
- Jan, 2000, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University
- Sept, 2000, Meeting of the Philadelphia chapter of the ASA
Regression splines: a review
Dec 1997, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech
Jan 1998, NINDS (National Insitute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke)
Feb 1998, Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics, University
of Michigan
Jan 1999, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Co.
Nonparametric regression with covariate measurement error
Aug 1998: Joint Statistics Meetings (joint with R.J. Carroll who
was the presenter)
Nov 1998, Biostatistics, Harvard
Nov 1998, Epidemiology, Dartmouth
Spline modeling of cluster tool throughput