Submitted manuscripts

  • A simple Newton method for local nonsmooth optimization
    A.S. Lewis and C.J.S. Wylie. arXiv 1907.11742, July 2019.

  • Active-set Newton methods and partial smoothness
    A.S. Lewis and C.J.S. Wylie. arXiv 1902.00724, February 2019.

  • Partial smoothness of the numerical radius at matrices whose fields of values are disks
    A.S. Lewis and M.L. Overton. In first revision for SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications.

  • Partial smoothness and constant rank
    A.S. Lewis and Jingwei Liang. arXiv 1807.03134, July 2018.

  • Nonsmooth optimization using Taylor-like models: error bounds, convergence, and termination criteria
    D. Drusvyatskiy, A.D. Ioffe and A.S. Lewis. In second revision for Mathematical Programming.

  • Rescaling nonsmooth optimization using BFGS and Shor updates
    Jiayi Guo and A.S. Lewis. In first revision for Computational Optimization and Applications.