The Cups Game

Module Developers:

John A. Muckstadt and Peter L. Jackson, Cornell University

Educational Objectives:

To involve students in the design of assembly systems.

To illustrate principles of design.

Module Description:

Students design and execute an assembly process in competition for highest weighted score that includes asset productivity, material flow time, operating cost, and sustainable quality. Students explain their design using Process Mapping methodology.

Module Classification:

Manufacturing process design competition.

Intended Audience:

Seniors in Industrial Engineering; Masters in all disciplines related to Manufacturing Systems Analysis.

Intended Courses to be used in:

ORIE 416 (Seniors) and ORIE 515 (Master of Engineering), Design of Manufacturing Systems, Fall, 80 students

Module Duration:

2 hours lecture; 2.5 hour lab competition; 2-3 hours homework.

Module deliverables:

Videotape introduction (videotaped play with industrial participants), Instructor's manual, List of materials required for manufacturing process simulation, Lecture materials.


The Cups Game has been used successfully in Cornell's curriculum for several years. For reaction of non- Cornell students, see Student Comments from NCAT.

Hardware or software requirements:

No computer requirements. Will require VCR in classroom; materials to simulate manufacturing process are readily available from restaurant and office supply stores.

Dissemination Technique:

Presentation at annual Cornell Workshop in Experiential Learning for Manufacturing Systems Design; free distribution of materials to workshop participants;