Wei Qian

Wei_by_weici Wei is a fourth-year PhD student in the Operations Research Department at Cornell University. She is very fortunate to be supervised by Yudong Chen. Before grad school, she finished her BS and MS in mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She has a broad interest in machine learning and data-driven decision making. The central questions are: (1) How to choose the right model and what is the efficiency of a model? and (2) How to design good algorithms assisting the decision making process? She is working towards these problems using tools from both probabilistic/statistical modeling and optimization.
  1. She spent the summer of 2017, working as a research intern in the Data Science team at Etsy, mentored by Liangjie Hong . During the research, she proposed an ads bidding and allocation model for the internal Ads platform. "Joint Revenue Optimization for Promoted Product Listings in E-Commerce" submitted
  2. She spent the summer of 2014 at the Insitute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA. She was a member of an undergrad research team and collaborated with Google, LA to assess the machine translation model for foreign text classification.
  1. Spring 2019 Head teaching assistant for ENGRD 2700: Probability and Statistics
  2. Fall 2017  Teaching assistant for ORIE 6700: Statistical Principle
  3. Winter 2017- Teaching assistant for ORIE 4742: Deep Leaning and Information Theory
  4. Fall 2016 Teaching assistant for ORIE 3300: Optimization I
  1. Provable EM algorithm for the mixture of linear regression with two components.
  2. First-order optimization framework under the supervision of James Renegar.
  3. Adaptive Dropout as a class project (ORIE 6740)