The Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms: Facility Location as a Case Study David B. Shmoys Abstract. Approximation algorithms are polynomial-time algorithms for optimization problems that are guaranteed to find near-optimal solutions. The design and analysis of approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems has recently been one of the most active areas in optimization. We will present several different approaches to designing approximation algorithms, by focusing on one problem domain in discrete optimization, that of facility location problems. 1. Introduction to approximation algorithms Most combinatorial optimization problems are NP-hard, and hence are unlikely to have algorithms that are guaranteed to find optimal solutions within polynomial time. One of the primary approaches to cope with this intractability is to settle for less than optimality, and to focus on approximation algorithms instead. That is, you design a polynomial-time algorithm for your problem that need not always give the optimal solution, but always produces a solution that is nearly optimal, i.e., with objective function value within some performance guarantee. In recent years, one of the most active areas of research within optimization has been in the design and analysis of approximation algorithms. In this lecture, we will focus on two closely related computational problems, in order to compare and contrast several different algorithmic approaches that have played leading roles in the recent burst of activity in this field. The central concept for this approach is that of a ρ-approximation algorithm for an optimization problem: a polynomial-time algorithm that delivers a feasible solution of objective function value within a factor of ρ of the optimal value. The study of approximation algorithms predates the theory of NP-completeness. Some early results, such as the proof due to Vizing that a graph always has an edge coloring with at most one more color than the maximum degree, were not even algorithmically stated, but still contain all of the ideas needed to give an interesting approximation algorithm. Graham, in studying a particular scheduling problem, more explicitly stated the goal of analyzing an efficient heuristic from the perspective of its worst-case error 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 90B80, 90C27; Secondary 68W40, 68W25. Key words and phrases. combinatorial optimization, design and analysis of algorithms. The author was supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-9912422. c 0000 (copyright holder) 1 bound, or more positively stated, its performance guarantee. The seminal work of Johnson, reacting to the recent discovery of the theory of NP-completeness, crystallized the perspective that one approach to coping with the intractability of a problem is to design and analyze approximation algorithms. Much of the history of the work in this area over the past forty years is summarized in the textbook of Vazirani [6], the volume of surveys edited by Hochbaum [3], and the survey of Shmoys [4]. Furthermore, there is also recent work that has provided techniques to prove, for some problems, that no such approximation algorithm can exist. This type of result is also discussed in the references above. Most combinatorial optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming problems; that is, the set of feasible solutions can be described by decision variables restricted to integer values, and constrained to satisfy a collection of linear inequalities and equations, and the objective function to be optimized can also be expressed as a linear function of the decision variables. For example, consider the following problem, known as the uncapacitated facility location problem, which is to be the main focus of this lecture. In this problem, there is a set of locations Fat which we may build a facility (such as a warehouse), where the cost of building at location iis fi >0, for each i∈F.There is a set D of client locations (such as stores) that require to be serviced by a facility, and if a client at location jis assigned to a facility at location i,a cost of cij is incurred. The objective is to determine a set of locations at which to open facilities so as to minimize the total facility opening and client assignment costs. All of the data are assumed to be non-negative, and furthermore, we will assume that all of the locations are located in a common metric space, so that for any i,j,k∈N = F∪D, cik ≤cij + cjk ; finally, the costs are also symmetric: for any i,j∈N, cij = cji. Note that we can think of these costs as representing the distances between locations. We have focused on this “metric” special case for a good reason; without this assumption, one can prove that no good approximation algorithms exist. There are two types of decision variables xij and yi, where each variable yi, i∈F, indicates whether or not a facility is built at location i,and each variable xij indicates whether or not the client at location jis assigned to a facility at location i,for each i∈F, j∈D: (1.1) Minimize fiyi + cij xij i∈F i∈F j∈D subject to (1.2) xij =1, for each j∈D, i∈F (1.3) xij ≤ yi, for each i∈F,j∈D, (1.4) xij ≥ 0, for each i∈F,j∈D, (1.5) xij integer, for each i∈F,j∈D. In effect, we force each variable to be either 0 or 1. We may interpret setting yi = 1 to mean that the facility at location ihas been opened, whereas if we set xij = 1, then the client at location jis assigned to a facility at location i.The constraints (1.2) ensure that each client is assigned to some location, whereas the constraints (1.3) ensure that if a client at location jis assigned to a location i,then indeed, a facility has been opened a location i. So, this is an integer programming formulation of the uncapacitated facility location problem. However, the problem is NP-hard, and hence no polynomial-time algorithm to solve it will exist unless P=NP, which is widely viewed as being extremely unlikely. If we drop the restriction that the variables in (1.1)–(1.4) must take integer values, then we obtain a linear programming (LP) problem. When we drop the integrality restriction in this way, we obtain a linear programming relaxation for a problem. Unlike integer programming, there are efficient algorithms known to solve linear programs to optimality. Thus, we can solve the linear programming relaxation of the uncapacitated facility location problem in polynomial time. This leads to one of the most generally applicable methods for designing approximation algorithms: the approach of LP rounding. In this approach, we first formulate a problem as an integer program, then consider its linear programming relaxation, solve the relaxation to optimality, and then attempt to round the fractional solution obtained in this way to an integer one (using some polynomial-time procedure). If we can obtain a feasible integer solution that has objective function value within afactorof ρ of the value of the fractional solution that has been rounded, then the resulting algorithm is a ρ-approximation algorithm. The first approximation algorithm for our location problem that we will present will be an LP rounding algorithm. Unfortunately, LP rounding is not always the method of choice. The main reason for this is that although linear programming relaxations can be solved reasonably efficiently, we are often interested in large inputs, and the LPs that must be solved are quite often huge – too huge to solve within a reasonable amount of time. We can still devise an approximation algorithm based on linear programming, T however. For every linear program: minimize cx subject to Ax = b, x ≥0, there T is a dual linear program: maximize yT b subject to yT A ≤c . The strong theorem of linear programming duality states that, provided an optimal solution exists for the original LP, the optimal value of the primal and dual linear programs must be equal. (The reader is referred to the textbook of Chv´atal [2] for a thorough introduction to linear programming.) For example, the dual linear program for the linear relaxation (1.1)–(1.4) of the uncapacitated facility location problem is as follows: (1.6) Maximize vj j∈D subject to (1.7) wij ≤ fi, for each i ∈F, j∈D (1.8) vj −wij ≤ cij , for each i ∈F, j ∈D, (1.9) wij ≥ 0 for each i ∈F,j ∈D. This dual can be motivated in the following way. Suppose that we wish to obtain a lower bound for our input to the uncapacitated facility location problem. If we reset all fixed costs fi to 0, and solve this input, then clearly we get a (horrible) lower bound: each client j ∈D gets assigned to its closest facility at a cost of mini∈F cij . Now suppose we do something a bit less extreme. Each location i ∈F decides on a given cost-sharing of its fixed cost fi. Each location j ∈Dis allocated ashare wij of the fixed cost; if j is assigned to an open facility at i, then it must pay an additional fee of wij (for a total of cij + wij ), but the explicit fixed cost of i is once again reduced to 0. Of course, we insist that each wij ≥0, and j∈D wij ≤fi for each i ∈F. But this is still an easy input to solve: each j ∈Dincurs a cost vj =mini∈F (cij + wij ), and the lower bound is Of course, we want j∈D vj . to allocate the shares so as to maximize this lower bound, and this maximization problem is precisely the LP dual. The duality theory of linear programming leads to the so-called primal-dual method for designing approximation algorithms. Suppose that we design an algorithm that simultaneously constructs a feasible integer solution to our integer programming formulation, and a feasible solution to the dual of its linear programming relaxation. If the algorithm runs in polynomial time, and we prove that the objective function value of the integer solution is always within a factor of ρ of the (dual) objective function value of the feasible dual solution constructed, then we have obtained a ρ-approximation algorithm. To see this, note that the objective function value of any feasible dual solution is a lower bound on the optimal LP value (dual or primal, they are the same), which is in turn a lower bound on the optimal value to our integer program. Hence, if we find a solution of value at most ρ times the value of a feasible dual solution, then it is also at most ρ times the integer optimal value. We shall describe a primal-dual approximation algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem in Section 3. Unfortunately, this is not typically the type of approach employed when a practitioner wishes to compute good solutions fast. A much more common approach is to base the design of an algorithm on the notion of local search. Given a feasible solution for a combinatorial optimization problem, it is often natural to think of ways in which one might slightly modify one’s current solution to obtain a new solution. For example, in the uncapacitated facility location problem, one might consider opening one extra facility, or closing one of the facilities already open (and then readjusting the assignment of clients to facilities accordingly). One can view the set of all feasible solutions as a large neighborhood graph: each node in the graph corresponds to a feasible solution, and two nodes (i.e., feasible solutions) are adjacent if one can be obtained from the other by one of the specified perturbations. (For simplicity, we shall assume that the perturbations are reversible, and hence the graph is undirected.) A local optimum, with respect to some neighborhood structure, is a feasible solution whose cost is no more than all of its neighbors. One naive approach to finding a good solution is to start with an arbitrary feasible solution, and repeatedly check if there is some neighboring solution with better objective function value, until one finds a local optimum. Such an algorithm is called a local search procedure. Remarkably, these algorithms often perform very well in practice, especially when enhanced in various ways with additional randomization within the algorithm; simulated annealing is one approach to adding randomization to such algorithms. (The reader is referred to the volume of Aarts and Lenstra [1] for an in-depth treatment of this subject.) In Section 4, we shall also present a simple local search algorithm that can be shown to be a 3-approximation algorithm. The k-median problem is closely related to the uncapacitated facility location problem. In this problem, there is a set N of locations, and the aim is to select k of them (as “medians”), and assign each point in Nto one of the selected medians so as to minimize the total assignment cost. In other words, if we start with the uncapacitated facility location problem, and consider the case in which D= F= N, set each fi = 0, but impose the additional constraint that = k,thenwe i∈N yi obtain the k-median problem. For any input to the k-median problem, we can view it as an input to the uncapacitated facility location problem, except that there are no facility costs given. Suppose we set the facility costs equal to some uniform value z;if z = 0, then a reasonable solution to the uncapacitated facility location problem would tend to open a facility at each location; on the other hand, if z is set very large, then only one facility would be opened. By adjusting the value of this Lagrangean multiplier, it seems natural that we can find a solution that opens k facilities, and hence can serve as a good solution for the k-median problem. In fact, this approach does work, and we will describe this in Section 5. 2. An LP rounding algorithm ∗ We shall first describe a simple procedure to take an optimal solution (x ,y ∗)to the linear programming relaxation for the uncapacitated facility location problem and produce a feasible integer solution (¯x, y¯); furthermore, it will be straightforward to prove that the cost of the integer solution is no more than 4 times the cost of ∗ the optimal fractional solution. Let (v ,w ∗) denote an optimal solution to the dual linear program. ∗ The algorithm works as follows. First represent the fractional solution (x ,y ∗) ∗ as a bipartite graph G =(F, D,E)where, for each (i, j) such that x> 0, we ij include the edge (i, j)in E, i.e., there are two set of nodes F and D,and each edge in E has one endpoint in each set. We shall rely on an important property of optimal solutions of linear programs, known as complementary slackness: this states that whenever a variable is positive in an optimal solution, then for any optimal solution to the dual, the constraint in the dual that corresponds to this variable must be satisfied with equality. In particular, this means that for each ∗∗∗ ∗ edge (i, j) ∈ E, wehavethat vj − w = cij .Since wij ≥ 0, it follows that cij ≤ v ; ij j for each edge in G, we know that the associated assignment cost is not too large. i ≤ v ∗ j ≤ v ∗ j j i j N(j)N(j ) ≤ v ∗ j Figure 1. Bounding the assignment cost of j; N(j)and N(j ) denote the set of neighbors of j and j , respectively, in G. The algorithm partitions the graph G into clusters, and then, for each cluster, opens one facility. The clusters are constructed iteratively as follows. Among all clients that have not already been assigned to a cluster, let j be the client j for ∗ which vj is smallest. This cluster consists of j , all neighbors of j in G,and allof their neighbors as well (that is, all nodes j such that there exists some i for which (i, j)and (i, j )are both in E). Within this cluster, we open the cheapest facility i . After all of the clusters have been constructed, each client is then assigned to its nearest opened facility. We first show that each client has a nearby facility that has been opened. Consider a client j,let i denote the facility opened in the cluster that contains j,and let j be the node with minimum v ∗-value used in forming the cluster (see Figure 1). In other words, we know that there exists a path in G from j to i ∗ consisting of an edge connecting i and j (of costatmost vj ), an edge connecting ∗ j and some node i (ofcostatmost vj ), andanedgeconnecting i and j (of cost at ∗ most vj ). Hence, by the triangle inequality, the cost of assigning j to i is at most ∗∗ 2vj + vj .Since j was chosen as the remaining client with minimum v ∗-value, it ∗∗ ∗ follows that v ≤vj , and so the cost of assigning j to i is at most 3vj . Hence, the j ∗ total assignment cost of the solution found is at most 3 j , which is 3 times j∈D v the optimal objective value of the (dual) linear program. Next we bound the total cost of the facilities that are opened by the algorithm. Consider the first cluster formed, and let j be the node with minimum v ∗-value ∗ used in forming it. We know that = 1. Since the minimum of a set i:(i,j )∈E xij of values is never more than a weighted average of them, the cost of the facility selected is ∗∗ fi ≤ xij fi ≤ yi fi, i:(i,j )∈Ei:(i,j )∈E where the last inequality follows from constraint (1.3). That is, for the first cluster, the cost of the facility opened in that cluster is no more than the fractional cost incurred by all of the facilities (fractionally) opened in the cluster in the LP optimum. Observe that, throughout the execution of the algorithm, each location j ∈D that has not yet been assigned to some cluster has the property that each of its neighbors i must also remain unassigned. Hence, for each cluster, the cost of its open facility is at most the cost that the fractional solution assigned to nodes in F within that cluster. Hence, in total, ∗ fiy¯ i ≤ fiy ; i i∈F i∈F that is, the total facility cost of the rounded solution is at most the facility cost incurred by the optimal fractional solution (which is, of course, at most the total cost of the optimal LP solution). Thus, the total cost of the solution found by the rounding algorithm is at most 4 times the cost of the optimal solution to the LP. There is a simple way to improve the algorithm, which relies on a technique known as randomized rounding. Consider a cluster formed by first selecting the client j . In the previous algorithm, we opened the cheapest neighbor of j .Instead, ∗ choose a neighbor i of j with probability xij , and open that facility. Furthermore, for each facility i in the cluster, open an additional facility at i with probability ∗∗ yi −xij . Finally, for each facility i that is not in any cluster, open that facility with ∗ probability yi . Once again, assign each client to its nearest open facility. This is a randomized algorithm; the algorithm “tosses coins” and the output of the algorithm is a random variable. It is easy to see that the expected facility cost incurred by this solution is at most the facility cost incurred by the optimal LP solution. In this case, one can prove a tighter bound on the expected assignment cost incurred (since, for each client j, with probability at least 1 −1/e, one of the neighbors of j in G is an open facility). Overall, one can prove that the expected cost of the solution found by this randomized algorithm is at most 1+3/e times the cost of the optimal LP solution. Furthermore, one can apply a simple “greedy rule” to obtain, without randomization, a solution of cost no greater than this expected value, and hence obtain a (1 + 3/e)-approximation algorithm. (This derandomization method is generally called the method of conditional expectations.) 3. A primal-dual algorithm Primal-dual algorithms have the advantage that one need not solve a linear program, while still exploiting the structure that a linear programming relaxation brings to many problems. As described above, we will construct a feasible integer solution for the facility location problem, and at the same time construct a feasible solution to the dual of the linear programming relaxation. To prove the performance guarantee of the algorithm, we will bound the cost of the (primal) solution computed by a constant factor of the objective function of the dual solution computed. We shall describe an algorithm that works in two phases. In the first phase, we compute a feasible dual solution. This dual solution will be used to construct a graph, much as the optimal LP solution was used in the previous section. In the second phase, the graph will be decomposed into clusters (though in a manner different from the method used above), where again we open one facility in each cluster. Finally, each client j will be assigned to the nearest opened facility. The procedure to compute a feasible dual solution is what is often called a dual ascent method. We start with a feasible solution, where all of the dual variables are set to 0, and then increase the value assigned to some of the variables while maintaining a feasible solution. In particular, there is a continuous notion of time that evolves throughout the execution of the algorithm. At time t =0, all of the dual variables are set to 0. As time progresses, each variable vj will continue to be equal to the time t, until some point in the algorithm, when that variable is frozen, and that variable remains fixed for the remainder of the algorithm. For each client j, the final value of its dual variable, which we shall denote v˜j , denotes the time at which that variable is frozen. Initially, we shall keep all of the variables wij set to 0. As time progresses, there will be three types of events that determine the course of the algorithm. Suppose that we have reached a time t for which, for some client, vj = t is equal to cij , for some facility location i ∈F. We can view this as a physical process, where the sphere of influence for client j has reached the facility i.Note that if we allow the algorithm to proceed unchanged, then at subsequent times, we shall set vj to a value for which constraint (1.8) is violated, and we will no longer maintain the invariant that the current dual solution is feasible. Instead, we also increase wij at a rate of 1 unit per unit of time elapsed; that is, we maintain that vj is equal to the current time t, and also maintain that cij + wij = vj .If one views vj as being the composite cost of serving the client at location j, once the current budget for j is sufficient to pay to connect to a facility at location i, then the excess can go to the share of the fixed cost for i that location j is willing to pay. The second type of event occurs when, for some facility location i, the total of the shares being offered to it by the clients is sufficient to pay the fixed cost fi. Stated more algebraically, we have increased the values wij so that the constraint (1.7) now holds with equality. Clearly, when this happens, we can no longer increase each wij for a client j for which vj ≥ cij . For each such client j, we freeze all dual variables vj and wij (for all i including i) associated with the client j (at their current values). We shall say that facility i is now paid for,and we let ti denote the time at which facility i is paid for. In the final type of event, the dual variable vj for a client j increases to be equal to cij , where the facility i is already paid for (by the shares of other clients). Unlike in thefirsttypeof event, wecannot increase wij anymore, and hence we freeze all dual variables vj and wij at their current values. Although we have described this procedure in terms of a continuous notion of time, it is straightforward to view it in terms of the events that occur, by calculating the next (discrete) event (and advancing the time to that moment). We continue this dual ascent process until all dual variables vj have been frozen. Let (˜v, w˜) denote the final solution computed by this procedure. Construct the graph G =(F, D,E)where, for each (i, j) such that w˜ij > 0, we include the edge (i, j)in E. Once again, we have a similar property as in the LP algorithm: for each edge (i, j) ∈ E,we have that cij +˜wij =˜vj .Since w˜ij > 0, it follows that cij 0and w˜ij > 0). We open the facility i . This continues until all paid-for facilities have been assigned to a cluster. After all of the clusters have been constructed, each client is then assigned to its nearest opened facility. We now analyze this algorithm. We will prove that the total cost of the solution found is at most 3 j∈D v˜j , and hence is within a factor of three of optimal. In fact, we will prove a stronger property: we will show that not only is the total cost at most this much, if we consider 3 times the facility cost incurred plus the total assignment cost, then even this quantity is no more than 3 j∈D v˜j . (We will explain in Section 5 why this is useful.) Consider any client j that is adjacent in G to a facility i that has actually been opened. Note that our algorithm has ensured that, for any client j,there is at most one such facility. The assignment cost for this client is therefore at most cij .But by dual feasibility, we see that even 3(cij +˜wij )=3˜vj . We shall charge each such client only cij +3˜wij ,which is at most 3˜vj . This charge pays for its assignment cost, and 3 times its share of the fixed cost fi. On the other hand, consider the open facility i; each of its neighbors j in G will pay for three times w˜ij , its share of the fixed cost fi. But these neighbors are the only clients that contribute any positive share to the fixed cost of location i in the dual solution (˜v,w˜), and since iwas opened, the facility at location imust have been paid for. Hence, the total charge incurred by its neighbors must pay for all of their assignment costs, as well as 3fi. Consider any client that is not adjacent to an open facility. For each such client j, we will argue that its assignment cost is most 3˜vj , and this is sufficient to complete the proof of the performance guarantee. Since the dual variable vj was frozen at some point by the algorithm, there must be some paid-for facility i for which v˜j ≥cij .If i has been opened, then the assignment cost incurred for j is clearly at most cij ≤v˜j ≤3˜vj . Suppose that i has not been opened. Then it must belong to the cluster of some other open facility i; furthermore, there is a client j that is contributing a positive share to the facility costs of both iand i. Consider the moments in time that facilities i and i have been paid for, denoted ti and ti , respectively. Since facility iis in the cluster started by facility i,wehave that ti ≤ti.Furthermore, since client j contributes a positive share to the fixed cost of both iand i,wehave that cij 0. Now it is easy to show that a polynomial number of (1 + ) improving moves suffices to reach such a “nearly” local optimal solution (where there might be improving moves, but none that improves the cost by a 1 + factor). Furthermore, an analysis similar to the one above shows that this approach leads to a (3 + )-approximation algorithm, for any constant > 0. 5. Lagrangean relaxation and the k-median problem Lagrangean relaxation is a technique often applied in combinatorial optimization, where the constraints of a problem can be partitioned into two parts: the “easy” ones and the “hard” ones. If one ignores the hard constraints, then the optimization problem (subject to just the easy constraints) becomes (more) easily solvable. Thus, one can add a Lagrangean multiplier (or dual variable) for each hard constraint that penalizes the violation of that constraint, and this Lagrangean penalty function can then be added to the original objective function; we then optimize the combined problem to find the “appropriate” value for the Lagrangean multiplier. Consider the natural integer programming formulation of the k-median problem: (5.1) Minimize cij xij i∈N j∈N subject to (5.2) xij =1, for each j ∈N, i∈N (5.3) yi = k, i∈N (5.4) xij ≤ yi, for each i ∈N,j ∈N, (5.5) xij ≥ 0, for each i ∈N,j ∈N. If we relax the constraint (5.3), and introduce a penalty z for violating the constraint, thereby adding the term z( i∈N yi −k), we obtain the uncapacitated facility location problem in which the fixed costs for opening the facilities are now equal to the common value z (ignoring the −kz term in the objective function, which is a constant for any fixed value of z). Given an input to the k-median problem, we can use this connection to the uncapacitated facility location problem in the following way. Suppose that we apply the primal-dual algorithm from Section 3 to our input with a small common fixed z. Then the algorithm is likely to open many (if not all) of the facilities. On the other hand, if the value z is sufficiently large, then the algorithm will open only one facility. Suppose that we have set z so that the algorithm outputs a solution with exactly k open facilities. Let (˜x, y˜)and (˜v, w˜) denote the primal and dual solutions constructed for this value z˜.If we let z denote the variable dual to the additional constraint (5.3), then the dual of the linear programming relaxation given above is: Maximize vj − kz j∈N subject to wij ≤ z, for each i ∈N, j∈N vj −wij ≤ cij , for each i ∈F, j ∈N, wij ≥ 0 for each i ∈N,j ∈N. Since (˜x, y˜)opens exactly k facilities, this is a feasible integer solution for the k-median LP formulation. Furthermore, since we have used the variable z to reflect the common fixed cost of opening a facility, (˜v, w,˜ z˜) is a feasible solution for the dual LP. The performance guarantee that we proved for the primal-dual algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem implies that 3 z˜y˜i + cij x˜ij ≤3 v˜j , i∈N i∈N j∈N j∈N or equivalently, that cij x˜ij ≤3 v˜j −3˜z( y˜i)= 3( v˜j −kz). i∈N j∈N j∈N i∈N j∈N This is, we have found a feasible integer solution and a feasible dual solution for the k-median problem that are within a factor of three of each other. By focusing on one problem domain, and exploring a few algorithmic techniques in depth, we have attempted to give the reader a sense of the mathematics involved in this area of algorithm design for discrete optimization problems. We have focused on results that were easy to present, rather than the state of the art for each of the approaches. Many more results are summarized in [5], but even that recent survey misses several interesting results from the past couple of years. References [1] E.L. Aarts and J.K.Lenstra, eds. Local search in combinatorial optimization, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003. [2] V. Chv´atal, Linear programming, W.H. Freeman, NY, 1983. [3] D. S. Hochbaum, ed., Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems, PWS Publishing Company, Boston, MA, 1997. [4] D.B.Shmoys, Computing near-optimal solutions to combinatorial optimization problems,in: W. Cook, L. Lov´asz, and P. Seymour, eds., Combinatorial optimization, AMS, Providence, RI, 1994, pages 355–397. [5] D. B. Shmoys, Approximation algorithms for facility location problems, in: K. Jansen, S. Khuller, eds., Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization, Third International Workshop, APPROX 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1913, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pages 27–33. [6] V. V. Vazirani, Approximation algorithms, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001. School of Operations Research & Industrial Engineering and Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Current address: School of Operations Research & Industrial Engineering and Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 E-mail address: